Why Us?-O P S Udyog

GST: 03AAAFO6925A1ZU | Amritsar, Punjab, India

We're among the foremost manufacturer, exporters, and suppliers of a comprehensive array of Redial Drilling Machines, Pillar Drilling Machines, Cross Drilling Machines, Light Duty Lathe Machines, Extra Heavy Duty Lathe Machines, Medium Duty Lathe Machines, etc.

Owing to the following factors, we've been suitable to maintain high credibility in the assiduity

  • State-of-the-art structure
  • Largely educated professionals
  • Customer-centric approach
  • Ethical business dealings
  • Competitive price structure
  • Timely delivery
  • Complete customer satisfaction 
Year of Establishment
Age of Company
72 Years
Man Power
1 - 50
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